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worship @ 11am


Welcome, and thank you for visiting First Presbyterian Church online. We hope that our website provides needed information about worship, fellowship and ministry opportunities available. Please feel free to read more about our church on this site, or come in for a visit. 

Our Calling

Our calling is to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Teaching them to love the Lord in body, mind, and soul and in doing so loving others. 

5th Quarter

Our church is home to 5th Quarter and opens our doors after every home game to provide a safe space for teens to hang out. Food is provided at no cost.

Read more >
Church Life

Sunday School is for all ages and at 10:00 AM


Sunday Worship at 11:00 AM

Wednesday there is choir practice at 5:00 PM and Youth Group at 6:00 PM





Sunday Church Luncheon

October 20th after worship

All are invited to attend and enjoy good food and fellowship!

Words of Faith

“The gospel is not just the illustration (even the best illustration) of an idea. It is the story of actions by which the human situation is irreversibly changed." 


Lesslie Newbigin

© 2013 by First Presbyterian Church of Manchester. all rights preserved.

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